There’s nothing like natural light to take a home renovation to the next level. And whether it’s a kitchen makeover, living room upgrade, bedroom transformation, or hallway refresh, it pays to add skylights to the plan.
“Not only do skylights grab attention, but their combined benefits can add to a home’s value,” says Marco Ferrazzo, Manager with Artistic Skylights. “You may not have selling on your mind now, but adding a skylight to your home during a renovation can add to its price when (or if) you go to market.”
Looking to boost your home’s appeal? Consider the ways skylights can make your home renovation shine:
- Visual upgrade: It’s a no-brainer but worth repeating: natural light simply makes any space more enjoyable to look at. Outdoor light adds life to enclosed spaces, brings new purpose to dark rooms, and makes previously ignored features stand out.
- Energy savings: With their insulating and heat-transfer properties, skylights work in concert with doors and windows to save energy. The result is lower utility bills and a softer impact on the environment.
- Health benefits: Much has been written about the health benefits of natural light. From reducing stress to boosting immune systems, and replenishing essential vitamins to getting a better night’s sleep, the positive impacts of outdoor light are worth considering for any room makeover.
- Better ventilation: Vented skylights let the outdoor in while improving ventilation, cooling interiors, and enabling a constant supply of fresh air. It’s a win-win (win) for renovators.
No doubt, skylights can bring additional value, style, and health benefits to any home renovation. And while it may be tempting to tackle a skylight installation alone, it pays to work with professional manufacturers and installers who can find a model that fits and unlock its full potential.
“There are a lot of variables that go into a successful skylight installation, so it makes sense to trust a team that can make the most of your investment,” says Ferrazzo.
Discover the benefits of adding skylights to your home or office renovation. Learn about the latest skylight designs and materials for home, office, or industrial properties by visiting Artistic Skylights.