In the world of skylights, safety reigns supreme. All the health, environmental, and aesthetic benefits are important factors, but not if they come with heightened risks for roof-top crews. With this in mind, skylight manufacturers are consistently exploring new designs and products that will enhance safety for anyone who finds… Read More
Are you feeling chilly in specific spaces? Is your building icing up in unusual spots? If you find yourself reaching for a sweater or losing the cold in summer, odds are your building has thermal bridging issues. You wouldn’t be alone. Thermal bridging is a common problem in any space,… Read More
Innovation is second nature in the skylight industry. And in recent years, manufacturers have made significant strides when it comes to developing materials that make skylights more stylish, effective, and efficient. Prismatic polycarbonate: An industry-proven glazing option Case in point is prismatic polycarbonate, an industry-proven glazing option that is becoming… Read More
Canada’s construction labour shortage is no secret. Neither is it anything new. Well before the pandemic, employers across the industry found it difficult to fill their ranks in light of increased activity, industry misconceptions, and international competition for talent. These challenges have not gone away. Now, however, the task of… Read More
Wire mesh glass (aka Georgian Wired Glass) has been a fixture Canadian construction industry for decades, but many are calling for its permanent retirement. “Georgian wire was created to add safety and security to a glassed area, but years of study and reported accidents with the material are showing that… Read More