It takes more than a desk and computer to make working from home, well, work. Staying productive (and sane) in any remote office takes a balance of healthy habits, the right equipment, and an environment that’s conducive to getting the job done. With the work-from-home revolution in full swing, here… Read More
Sustainable living is a term that has come to mean many things to many people. In its simplest form, however, it refers to the choices we make on a day-to-day basis that contribute to a greener, healthier, and long-term livable world. But what does that mean in practice? Consider the… Read More
Noise pollution can be a source of stress and distractions in any environment. The upside is that skylights with laminated glass are designed to mitigate outdoor sounds while letting the natural light in. “Sounds insulation is one of the most desirable benefits of laminated glass skylights,” agrees Marco Ferrazzo, Manager… Read More
There are reasons we’re drawn to natural light. From health benefits to asset gains, exposure to daylight can bring numerous perks to the places we live, work, and play. “Time and time again, studies show that exposure to natural light has a tangible, positive impact on our quality of life,”… Read More
The advantages of skylights stretch beyond their bright appeal. Within homes, offices, and industrial facilities, architectural skylights can serve the dual purpose of promoting natural light and livening up a space with a unique overhead feature. “There’s a certain ‘wow’ factor when you walk into a room with an architectural… Read More